Meditation Retreat

As I write this, I find myself on the precipice of an ancient journey. In just a couple of days, the Zen Temple will open its doors to a three-week meditation retreat, consisting of a two-week silent meditation residency and a one-week sesshin. 

For those unfamiliar with the term, a sesshin is a period of intense meditation. It is a practice deeply woven into the fabric of Zen tradition.

When we gather together in silence and stillness and enter a realm beyond words, the ordinary and the extraordinary intertwine. This ancient practice is a retreat from the conventional world and a profound immersion into the depths of the heart-mind.

This ancient journey into silence is both a blessing and a challenge. In my years of Zen practice, I have witnessed how a long retreat can lead to profound insights and moments where reality's luminous nature reveals itself. 

However, these moments of clarity are often accessed only by entering the dark places. In the stillness, the echoes of my past and the shadows I have long ignored rise to the surface. It is a raw and sometimes difficult process. However, it is through this confrontation that the possibility of awakening to my life can occur.

My challenges during these three weeks are not hindrances but gateways to deeper understanding and compassion. Each moment of discomfort, each wave of doubt, is an invitation to go further, to explore uncharted territories.

My journey on the path of Zen and my practice as an artist have always intertwined in some way. The insights from long periods of silent meditation often flow into my creative practice, infusing it with depth and authenticity. My contemplative life, with its rhythm of meditation and creativity, allows for a continuous unfolding, a dance between stillness and expression.

As the bell marks the beginning of each meditation period during this retreat, we will sit together in silence, yet we are alone with our thoughts, fears, and aspirations. This shared journey is at the heart of Zen practice. Through the silence, a profound connection emerges, a recognition of our common humanity and the boundless nature of the true self.

Michael Herzog

Designer & Artist


A Hermitage


Silence and Stillness